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1. I'd prefer someone who is willing to work with me. I might not always been caught up to the latest chapter in a series but I can always research or catch up if it's beneficial to our role play. 

2. I'd like to think that I'm a rather literate writer and I do put thought into my response before replying. I'd like to ask that you do the same to the best of your abilities; while I don't mind a few grammatical errors, please try not to do it too often. 

3. I'm open to working with the role play when it comes to plotting. I understand that some people work better when they can "go with the flow" instead of plotting beforehand. 

4. Should something come up that keeps me away for more than 4 days, I will try to let you know in advance. I wouldn't want anyone to worry. I haven't forgotten you. If I haven't said anything, I could have read it and started a reply but forgot to send it. Don't hesitate to shoot me an email asking if that's the case. However, do NOT send me an email every ten minutes wondering why there has been no will piss me off severely.

5. Godmodding is absolutely inexcusable. 

6. If something is wrong or you're not feeling the role play, please PLEASE let me know. I hate being left in the dark as much as the next person. Maybe we can work out something else that is more suitable or to your liking.

7. I don't have much in the way of limits, but I'll let you know if I'm not up for something. For example, I don't always like to write out explicit sexual scenes in detail and I'll tell you in advance so it can be left to the imagination.

8. I play every gender. I don't mind doubling, tripling, or more. I'm open to doing whatever I can to keep the plot interesting and ongoing. However, I don't tolerate people coming to me to tell me who I will role play or how I will do so. That's part of the fun since everyone is different. 

9. Romance is always allowed, but not necessary. I enjoy all types of pairings as well so M x M, F x F, and F x M. Poly situations are fine too. If I'm not okay with something, I'll let you know before proceeding. 

10. This one is more of a personal preference, but I usually write in third person. It's the easiest for me, but if you prefer something else, I might be able to accommodate. 

11. Have fun! I'm excited for each new person that tosses a role play my way. 


Please keep in mind that these are my main rules. They are subject to revision as I see fit to better suit my current state of mood, availability, etc...

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